NEW Patent Pending FLEET MATCH
Airlines and MRO's need fleet information to manage the part planning and management process to make sure they can keep planes in the sky and not on the ground. Hard to find parts and parts that have to be bought from the OEM because of shortages of repairable "As Removed" parts costs the airlines and MRO's millions of dollars a year. Being able to FLEET MATCH planned teardown aircraft with part needs is very valuable and getting them before their competitor is even more important.
ProActive Vs ReActive Part Locating with Fleet Match
Welcome to the FLEET MATCH
ReserveParts FLEET MATCHING parts service will be a game changer for airline part planning and management. In order to forecast the MRO aftermarket, a good overview over today´s fleets is of highest importance. Using Fleet data from all information on who is currently flying which aircraft today, we have collected data from over 80,000 aircraft from the commercial, business and general aviation. We can match fleet data, find Operators, First Flight dates, Tail Signs, Pictures, Engines and the history of each aircraft.
Complete Teardown
Aircraft History
FLEET MATCH will also provide historical data by tail number or aircraft serial number including Incident reports, AD's and other information on each aircraft being torn down with parts to be reserved on our system.
Teardown Company Performance Ratings
As ReserveParts activity ramps up we will accumulated performance of teardown and repair shop Postings, Verification's, RFQ's and on time deliveries. Higher performance companies will be rewarded with higher part listings and rankings in the system.
Industry Contacts
Our directory is a growing network of aviation professionals, the companies they work for and the specialties these companies are offering. The directory has grown to over 35,000 users from more than 30,000 companies. Find existing and future business partners and connect with them to build your personal aviation network.
Buyers Can Post Patent Pending Fleet Match HOT PARTS Lists - Most removed and active part numbers and get Match Availability Notifications!
As a part planner and inventory manager you know which aircraft parts are wearing out most often and which parts fail and need to be replaced in each model of aircraft your airline fly's.
With FLEET MATCH you will be able to upload your failed parts lists confidentially and get notification of teardown aircraft that will have those parts based on Fleet Data we accumulated and posted reserve parts. Proactive part matching!
COMING SOON! Industry Current and Planned Teardowns Page for the Next 12 Months By Aircraft and location.
FLEET MATCH will also provide a teardown home page that will list all current and planned aircraft teardown lists. We will contact all teardown companies and maintain the most accurate teardown data for 12 months.